About Us

Who we are: Partnership for the U.S. Life Science Ecosystem (PULSE)

The U.S. life sciences ecosystem depends on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) as well as other collaborations to bring together the resources, investment and expertise needed to develop and deliver new treatments and cures for patients. PULSE is dedicated to raising awareness about the unique life sciences ecosystem and the importance of M&A in leveraging efficiency and experience across companies of all sizes.

PULSE will help advance a national dialogue focused on fostering innovation across the life sciences while supporting a competitive U.S. market that advances next generation treatments and cures for patients. PULSE is focused on the role of M&A in three key areas of the U.S. life sciences ecosystem:


M&A fuels innovation across a diverse and dynamic life sciences ecosystem.

The American life sciences industry is among the world’s most competitive, with hundreds of new companies starting every year with the hope of finding a better answer to treat a disease. Evidence demonstrates that life sciences M&A is associated with increased R&D and innovation by enabling broad and efficient allocation of funding and other resources across the life sciences ecosystem.


M&A drives efficiency and expertise across the life sciences industry, expediting the process of bringing new treatments and cures to market.

Life sciences companies of all sizes engage in M&A to bring their innovations to patients and to combine different resources and skill sets that help them manage the demands of a highly regulated enterprise more effectively and efficiently. M&A makes it possible for companies pursuing important new therapies to secure the resources, infrastructure and expertise needed to bring innovation from the lab to the patient.


M&A is a core component of the unique and world-class American life sciences ecosystem.

American life sciences companies lead the way in medical advancements through long-standing collaboration and partnerships, bringing together scientists, small companies, academics, government and NIH researchers and larger life sciences companies. The world looks to us to lead in finding new treatments and cures because the American life sciences ecosystem is the most competitive and innovative in the world.


Our partners represent frontline researchers, employees and leaders of life sciences companies of all sizes that support a diverse, vibrant life sciences ecosystem at the national level and in local communities. Learn more about our partners and the benefits of joining PULSE.