Promoting Competition
and Investment in the
U.S. Life Sciences Ecosystem
The U.S. life sciences ecosystem depends on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) to bring together the resources, investment and expertise needed to develop and deliver new treatments and cures for patients.
PULSE is dedicated to raising awareness about the vital role of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) as well as other collaborations to bring together the resources, investment and expertise needed to develop and deliver new treatments and cures for patients. Our members represent frontline researchers, employees and leaders of life sciences companies of all sizes that support a diverse, vibrant life sciences ecosystem at the national level and in local communities. PULSE will help advance a national dialogue focused on fostering innovation across the life sciences while supporting a competitive U.S. market that delivers next generation treatments and cures
for patients.
Pro-Innovation M&A Fuels Growth, Innovation in America’s Life Sciences Industry
It’s critical that competition policies reflect the unique and fundamental role of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in America’s life sciences industry. Policies that support pro-competitive life sciences M&A can help drive growth, incentivize investment and,...
NJBIZ Op-Ed: “Federal Anti-M&A Policy Could Undermine New Jersey’s Leadership in the Life Sciences”
In a recent op-ed for NJBIZ, Debbie Hart, President and CEO of PULSE Partner BioNJ, discusses how federal policy against mergers and acquisitions (M&A) could undermine New Jersey’s leadership in the life sciences.
Innovations Advanced by M&A: A First-in-Class Therapy for Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) serve as a critical bridge, enabling innovative companies of all sizes to partner and pair their promising biopharmaceutical discoveries with the resources and expertise needed to turn them into approved medicines for patients.